What’s this?
The lifelong learning center “Bila Vorona” (“White Crow”) is an institution for educators’ professional development which meets current requirements.
This center was created by the “EdCamp Ukraine" NGO after we received a lot of appeals from the community of responsible teachers with one question – when will you open up permanent professional growth programs?
At EdCamp Ukraine, ‘white crows’(‘bili vorony’) in education fly horizontally, that means we introduce cutting-edge educational trends, world-renowned experts, and productive Ukrainian experience to our participants.
The "Bila Vorona" center is a place where these "birds" become flying and from where they take a new height, i.e. they increase their knowledge and skills in a certain chosen direction.
This page is a preview of the center that will eventually materialize in the physical space.
For whom?
"Bila Vorona" works not only for school teachers, although they constitute the main target audience of the center.
We offer programs worthy of attention from a wide range of pedagogical workers and administrators from all sectors of education, from parents and those who only master and plan for educational activities.
We understand that it is an impossible task for any institution to retrain 480,000 teachers for the New Ukrainian School qualitatively. Therefore, we are ready for joint activities and invite the institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, pedagogical educational institutions and other organizations to cooperate.
And how exactly?
It is important for us to develop education in the country, preserving and multiplying the best achievements and traditions of Ukrainian pedagogy and introducing successful world practices to our educational space.
We are also convinced that learning without practical training and qualitative feedback is impossible.
That is why all proposed programs will contain a mentoring component and at least 20% of practice in real conditions: school classes, kindergarten groups of partner educational institutions.
We present our first programs – "Change in 7 days" and "EdMandry", – and then others will open.
How it will happen
Competitive basis
We announce a competition among all Ukrainian schools that are ready to change according to the Finnish model, which is recognized as one of the most successful in the world. The draft project of changes will take into account the specifics of the school and its location. The recommendations will not be general like "about everything for all", but aiming at a specific school situation.
A week at school
The experts from Finland will help to audit the strengths and weaknesses of the school, conduct a series of open lessons and trainings (for the teaching staff, for the administration and support staff as well) and will stimulate the development of the school’s improvement program. Participation in the program is free of charge.
Best practices – to Ukraine
Lumo Education has had experience of their own teaching, of cooperation with government institutions and advocacy of Finnish educational ideas abroad. They perfectly understand the importance of the cultural characteristics of the regions and always work taking into account the uniqueness of local systems. And they will stay in touch with the school in the future.
Change in 7 days (already happened)
Ukrainian-Finnish School Transformation Initiative – capture new sparks for your teaching!
Together, we will prove
that the basis for real changes
can be laid in a very short time
до 20.10.17
work in the school
till 02.02.18
interviews, announcement of the results of the competition
The Partner Organization in Finland
Lumo Education – is a promoter of the Finnish educational model in the world, adapting the best practices of the Finnish educational system to other countries.
"In Finland, the school is adapting for children, and not vice versa. Finns are convinced: the school must give not only knowledge and skills to a child, but also happiness. A child should enjoy childhood and learn by playing games’’.
Dmytro Naumenko, Regional Director of Lumo Education in Ukraine
Interesting things about Finnish education
Salmon soup and prestigious vocational schools. 7 facts about Finnish education
This article is not about national dishes, but about the formative assessment, the single national Wilma electronic system and the absence of "dead ends" in the Finnish education system.
An honest conversation about the education of Finland
How applicants can become future educators in Finland, and why a "big heart" matters, how a book with answers is used in mathematics, and who is responsible for all technical issues at school.
The program is supported
The project will be followed by Galyna Kovalchuk, a journalist and columnist for the FOCUS magazine, also New Ukrainian School web-site.
The experiment will be translated by LINGUIST company.
All the zests and first steps will be collected by SCHOOL WORLD publishing house.
School Champion Ukraine continues the tradition of education changes support.
The program of educational expeditions to various countries and Ukraine in search of successful cases: theory, practice, and changes on the ground.
Features of EdMandry:
The first virtual acquaintance with the education system of the host country
As it is more productive to deal with the peculiarities in advance, and not to spend on this time during an expedition. The program before the start of the expedition involves a distance module, which will help form the idea of the basic value, structural, content and administrative features of the country's education, and better understand what should be focused on during the expedition.
Creation of educational Embassy
As it is important not only to observe and speak but also to act. The persons participating in the program become its ambassadors in their communities: before the expedition, according to a specially designed method, they carry out an analysis of their institution of education, and after the return, they implement the developed change steps.
Cooperation of educational institutions
Because one-time contacts are less effective than constant cooperation, and the professional level and personal potential of Ukrainian educators is quite worthy sharing experiences in other countries, and not just learning something there. The program provides for the search of partner establishments for further creativity and development.
Because an expedition is an advanced training and professional development course which includes not less than 80 hours of work involving theoretical, practical and final blocks. After completing the program and developing an educational ambassadorial plan, the participants receive a dual certificate: from EdCamp Ukraine and the partner organization of the country to which the expedition is conducted.
Participation on a competitive basis
Because the purpose of the program is not educational tourism or just professional development but the search, grouping and support of proactive educators who are willing and ready to make concrete changes to their schools immediately after returning. Exactly such people are travelling with us within EdMandry.
Educational expedition # 1/2017
Base of the Expedition:
Major theme:
Dealing with new approaches in the real-world learning process.
Educational Agencies.
Motivation for teaching activities.
Mentoring and horizontal connections.
till 20.10.17
announcement of the competition results
Partner organization in Finland
EduFuture – is an experienced partner in developing and organizing in-depth study tours aimed at studying the Finnish education system and benchmarking, analyzing problem areas, searching the right information and getting successful cases.
"During the week you will learn firsthand the secrets of the success of Finnish education, will be able to share them and apply for change in your educational community"
Arne Verhegen, owner and CEO of EduFuture
Tested on ourselves!
The program, proposed by EduFuture, was tested by EdCamp Ukraine and supplemented taking into account Ukrainian educational realities and needs.
About our impressions of the study trip, you can read in the article "Trust and Responsibility: 10 observations on the Finnish education from Oleksandr Elkin. What does the world's best school education system look like?" at WOMO.
And about the history of the success of Finnish education, you can find out from the video of Arne Verhegen's session at the Third National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2017.
A bonus for the program participants
If you wish, on December 1 and 2, you can additionally immerse yourself in Tallinn's educational space by taking the ferry across the Gulf of Finland.
The results of the educational expedition will be presented at the Fourth National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2018. So you can not avoid participating in the Ukrainian teachers year's
event :)
Let's be frank
We are looking for people and organizations to finance educational expeditions to make them affordable for teachers. But so far, unfortunately, we have found nobody :-)
But we decided that we can not wait anymore, we must go! Because changes in education are needed by children, teachers, parents, and the country now, and not sometime.
Now, the participation in the program costs as much as the host organization sets.
We will be happy to get financial assistance for direct or targeted support of air flights, accommodation, and other expenses as well. We also hope that the participation of educators in educational expeditions will be facilitated by local self-government bodies, business, and everyone who cares about the future of education in Ukraine.
Also, while staying true to EdCamp Ukraine principles, in each educational expedition, we provide one place with a partial coverage of costs - for the person who will have the highest ranking in the competitive selection.
With the assistance of